What I’ve Read So Far in 2023

4 min readMar 27, 2023

Since my last post on what I read in 2022, I figured to share my thoughts of the books I’ve read so far this year!

I’ll admit, I did get into a minor reading slump due to stress and depression. But like I said in my last what I read post, I am embracing no-stress slow reading this year. So no biggie! I just kept starting a book until one stuck.

The 21 books I’ve read so far in 2023

The Companion by Katie Alender — 4/5 Stars, I enjoyed this more than I thought I would half-way in. Katie built good suspense and I was rooting for the characters. If Katie was less of a writer, I may have given up halfway in out of frustration and predictability. It’s about an orphan who’s adopted to essentially nanny a rich family’s sick daughter.

The Children on the Hill by Jennifer McMahon — 3/5, I wish I enjoyed this more but I rushed through the end. It was good though, kind of a “Frankenstein” type of plot. I really appreciated the themes of eugenics and ableism Jennifer works with.

The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa — 5/5, I love this book. What happens when an authoritarian government is able to police our memories? This was not what I expected- its fairly slow paced- but if there’s one word to sum up this novel its “haunting”. I don’t think I’ll ever forget this one.




The freewheelin’ Pauline Orr. Disabled blogger, handmade business owner, and freelancer.